
Asian Grammar School organized a special felicitation programme for two national level award winners, at the Sri Lankan School’s Aquatic Sports Championship 2019.

Madam Principal treated the teachers who teach the OL grades to high tea at 'The Kingsbury Hotel' , in appreciation of their hard work and the great results they produced in 2018. This took place on the 30th of August, 2019.

Project was planned in 4 phases and 3 phases out of it were done on 22nd August.

The first ever Inter Grades Kite Festival organized by the LEO Club of Asian Grammar School “AGS WINDS 2019” was held on the 11th of August 2019 at the Grounds of Kalapaluwawa Siddhartha College.

The annual swimming meet was held this year at the school swimming pool. This year's fierce aquatic battle of the houses ended with Delta house securing the 1st Place. The students were trained under coach Kirthi Wijegunawardhana with the support of the teachers in charge Mrs. Diasy Krishan and Ms. Ruwani Tahanuja.

Asian Grammar School has created many student leaders to the nation and continues to live up to her vision of ‘Nurturing children for the real world’. As one batch of leaders step out, another takes its place.

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