Moments from the බොදු බැති ගී සරණිය hosted by Asian Grammar School in the Gothatuwa Vesak Kalapaya 2024

The event, held on the 24th of May 2024 , was a testament to the school's commitment in nurturing the bonds within the community. The students and the teachers of Asian Grammar School belonging to all religions showcased their talents through a “Bakthi Gee” performance blending harmony and tradition which embodied the spirit of Vesak.

Another standout feature of the celebration was the meritorious act of giving a “Sago Dansal”, which successfully reached around 6000 individuals.

We also take immense pride in announcing that our students emerged 2nd place in the regional Lantern competition.

In an Era marked by division and discord the unity displayed by the community of Asian Grammar School’s Vesak celebration stands as a beacon of hope inspiring us to embrace our shared humanity.

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